"Be Loyal to the Royal within YOU."

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


WOW! Three months late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR :) lol This year's been AMAZING&CRAZY&FULL OF CHANGE ALREADY :) Found out I'm Graduating this May with my BS in Psychology :) SO EXCITED! Planning to start my papers&have been prepping for my mission and hope to leave for my Mission by the Fall of 2012! We are also expecting so many more family members to enter the world this year, Gosh I Love my FAMILY, both immediate & extended :) 2012's already been full of wonderful changes. New Year, New ME, you'd be so proud of me. Gotta new FB lol, joined the TONGAN YSA WARD(CRAZY HUH?lol), joining PISA here at the U (even bigger deal, because I am breaking my anti-social/anti-poly phobias). After all, I have nothing to loose, but just gotta put myself out there :) & HAVE FUN FOR ONCE! I Have been TRAVELING much more with the ones I LOVE. Went with my Sister to NYC, Taken roadtrips with my girls here at the U to Provo, Cedar City and Wendover just for FUN! Spontaneous is a great word I'd like to call myself NOW. I am much more social and outgoing, and am really just trying to live each day to the FULLEST. YAY ME! After all, the world is going to end this year :) Glad I'll be on my mission hopefully by then lol. I have so much to be grateful for and I truly am. I Love my LIFE, Love my FAMILY, & I LOVE THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST :) Looking forward to this year 2012. God is Good, ALL THE TIME :)